Others researching the surname WILLS in the British Isles

There is now a World Wide WILLS Family History Center central web site for all relatives and researchers of the surname WILLS. Please check it out and add your interests. I will no longer maintain this particular page as it is now much more logical to use the World Wide Wills Family History center pages.

Also, remember to add your surnames and regularly check the Root Surname List for others working your surnames (That's how I got in touch with these people). New entries are added to the TOP of this page.

Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 23:45:42 +1100
From: Graeme Simpson <gsimpson@netspace.net.au>

Hi David,

I have found some of our Wills family who we know went to Scotland, as well as other potential family members descendant from this family. I was wondering if I gave you a brief overview of our Wills family, if you could advise if anyone else has asked you about the same family.

=> George Wills married Catherine Stone in Bodmin Cornwall ENG on 11 Sep 1768. One of their 9 know children was James Wills.
=> James Wills married Janett Fenton in Reading St Mary Berkshire ENG on 13 Nov 1822. James was a soldier then independent minister at Basingstoke Hampshire ENG. His youngest of 7 children was Peter Pickman Wills.
=> Peter Pickman Wills married Ann McDonald in Glasgow SCT on 6 Jan 1852. They had 6 children that we know of, and that was all the information we had.

Peter was the only one of our Wills family that we know of who went to Scotland, and your names list would indicate that he has many descendants who all stayed in Scotland. The rest of the family stayed in England, except for one of Peter's older brothers, James, who came to Australia, and is our connection with the family.

My grandaunts always said that we were related to Wills the Australian explorer (I have not been able to prove or disprove this family tale) and also that Peter Pickman was Knighted, again, I have not been able to prove/disprove this. So, seeing this family and other possible descendants in you name list was quite exciting, especially when we did not even know the year of death for Peter.

Enough of our family details. If anyone has asked you about this particular Wills family, it would be greatly appreciated if you would pass my message on to them, or advise me of their details.

Kindest Regards
Graeme Simpson
Melbourne Victoria Australia

Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 12:12:29 -0800
From: Ted Lanning <tedlan@bc.sympatico.ca>

Dear David,
You have done an excellent job in putting together your WEB Site. As you say -- a labor of love!

Unfortunately my WILLS are further south in Somerset. I have an interesting problem. My 2x gr grand was a Mary WILLS who had an illegitimate son, George b.1799 in South Petherton, Som. I have no idea who the father was and there was another unusual situation. All of George's children -- 11 of them -- changed their names from WILLS to HAYWARD. So, if any of your WILLS "viewers" happen to be researching in the Somerset area, I would love to make contact with them.

Keep up the good work,

just a little way up I-5 in West Vancouver, BC

Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 13:57:09 -0500
From: "Brian & Diane Huntley" <huntley@mint.net>

Brian and Diane Huntley

Hi David - Thanks for the very helpful information on the Wills family. My Mother is a Wills. She is stuck on Peter B. Wills, b. 1815 in Virginia. Can't find his parents names/can't find death cert. If you should come across him, please think of us! Thanks again for all of your hard work.

Diane Wills Huntley

Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 08:40:26 +1100
From: Beattie Ross <beattier@epa.nsw.gov.au>

Your efforts are commendable. Unfortunately all my (wife's) WILLS came from Cornwall. There were no Wills among either her or my Scottish forebears. Does Kirstie Holt transcribe commercially? I have some Ayrshire certificates
I need to search.

Ross Beattie
Sydney Australia

Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 08:26:36 -0000
From: "Ian Cairns" <ian @ cairnsfamily . org> (remove the spaces for the correct email address)

Hello David

Thanks for your email. I'm afraid that all my wife's WILLS ancestors came from Cornwall. They (there's only a few) are available for download from the Gene page given below. I'd appreciate it if you could forward any other Cornish WILLS researchers.

Thanks again

Ian Cairns
Web: http://www.cairnsadsl.org.uk/ian.htm
Gene: http://www.cairnsadsl.org.uk/GENE/gene.htm

Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 13:58:47 -0700
From: "McCallister Family" <mccalfam@burgoyne.com>


Do you have any information on the Cornwall County, England "Wills" family??



Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 11:17:07 -0800
From: bevis@ford-outlet.com (Beverly Amaral)


Thank you for the email and for the offer to share information. I will definitely look over your web page and keep checking back with you. My ancestor was Sarah Wills who was married at St. Nicholas at Wade, Kent on the 13 of October 1799 to George Smith. It is believed that her parents were John Wills and Sarah (?), but this has not been verified. I don't
have a location or date of death for Sarah or George. Their daughter, Martha immigrated to America and died in NY but it is not known if Sarah or George ever left England. I don't know any of Martha's siblings names as of yet.

Thank you again, you're generosity is well appreciated. Let me know if I can be of any assistance to you.

Beverly Amaral
San Luis Obispo, CA

Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 21:23:57 -0800
From: "Paul B. Shaw" <pbshaw@island.net>

Our WILLS family came from County Mayo, Ireland and emigrated c 1840s to the area north of Ottawa, Ontario.


Date: Friday, March 28, 2003 2:53 PM
From: "Julia WELSH" <juw100@yahoo.co.uk>

RE: Partial trees
I have spotted my family on this part of your site. You have asked to be contacted if a family is found. Mine are: Robert Wills and Helen Mc Feat married 22.11.1841. My gg grandmother was Margaret Wills b. 21.3.1858. I recognise her siblings. I would appreciate any other info that you have on them. In turn if you require any info on them, please ask.
I would be grateful if you could note my email address that I always use (it may be different from the reply mail - freeserve) It is : juw100@yahoo.co.uk
I look forward to hearing from you
Julia Welsh