Relationship Chart

Use the chart below to determine the relationship between you and another relative.

  1. Determine the common ancestors you and the other person share.
  2. Starting with your common ancestors in the upper left corner, find yourself across the top and note the column.
  3. Again starting with your common ancestors in the upper left corner, find the other person down the left side and note the row.
  4. Go to the box where your column and their row coincide.
  5. This is the relationship you share with the other person.

Common Ancestor Child Grandchild Great Grandchild G-G Grandchild G-G-G Grandchild G-G-G-G Grandchild
Child SiblingNiece/ Nephew Grand Niece/ Nephew Great Grand Niece/ Nephew G-G Grand Niece/ Nephew G-G-G Grand Niece/ Nephew
Grandchild Niece/ NephewFirst Cousin First Cousin Once Removed First Cousin Twice Removed First Cousin Thrice Removed First Cousin Four Times Removed
Great Grandchild Grand Niece/ Nephew First Cousin Once Removed Second CousinSecond Cousin Once Removed Second Cousin Twice Removed Second Cousin Thrice Removed
G-G Grandchild Great Grand Niece/ Nephew First Cousin Twice Removed Second Cousin Once Removed Third CousinThird Cousin Once Removed Third Cousin Twice Removed
G-G-G Grandchild G-G Grand Niece/ Nephew First Cousin Thrice Removed Second Cousin Twice Removed Third Cousin Once Removed Fourth CousinFourth Cousin Once Removed
G-G-G-G Grandchild G-G-G Grand Niece/ Nephew First Cousin Four Times Removed Second Cousin Thrice Removed Third Cousin Twice Removed Fourth Cousin Once Removed Fifth Cousin